Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lets get started !


What is hypnosis?
The process is profoundly simple. Hypnosis works by allowing you to go into a relaxed state. This allows the body to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, and lessen that activity of the sympathetic nervous system. In a nutshell, you shut down the stress hormones and nervous activity, and thereby open up your body's natural healing powers. This sense of relaxation also lessens the chatter of the analytical or conscious mind. Your mind and body are in a constant state of dialogue. While relaxing the body and quieting the analytical portion of the mind, the unconscious or subconscious mind (the creative mind) is free to open up to suggestions. It is then that you can naturally and easily induce your body parts to grow and achieve height increase.
While hypnosis doesn't work for everyone some people are naturally more suggestive than others, it has been documented that some people have achieved significant height increase through hypnosis.
As long as there has been human beings, there has been hypnosis. We use this commonly occurring ,and natural state of mind, unknowingly, all the time. It is just natural for us. For example, if you have ever watched a television program or movie and become really absorbed into the program, you were probably in a trance. This trance is what caused you to not hear your mother calling you to dinner, until she raised her voice for the third time. (Advertisers understand this. They use television programs to induce a hypnotic trance and then provide you hypnotic suggestions, called commercials!)
Another common example of this naturally occurring state of mind is when you are driving down the road, with your mind focused on some other task (a day dream perhaps), and next thing you know, you have passed your next turn. That is called "highway hypnosis".
The U.S. government defines hypnosis as having two parts: (1) the bypass of the critical factor, and (2) the establishment of acceptable selective thinking.
This seems to be a useful and accurate definition of hypnosis. This "bypass of the critical factor" simply means the release of limiting beliefs. For example, the use of hypnosis for anesthesia has been accepted by the American Medical Association since 1958. It is well established to be a fact that hypnosis is useful for creating anesthesia. However, if you have the limiting belief that the mind cannot create a powerful anesthesia, you will be unable to do so. However, in hypnosis, this limiting belief can be bypassed, and hypnotic anesthesia can be quickly created. "The establishment of acceptable selective thinking," the second part of the definition, refers to the process of guiding someone into hypnosis by using a hypnotic induction. The establishment of selective thinking creates the mental environment or state of mind that enables you to reject limiting beliefs (that you picked up by living in our society), so that you can accept new more empowering ones.
The hypnotic state is an optimum state for making changes in your life because you can set aside limiting beliefs that may have been preventing you from moving toward a more healthy, and happy you. Hypnosis can be the key that unlocks the true potential height of your body.
Hypnosis vs Height Increase
Before you make up your mind about whether hypnosis can lead to height increase, let's look at height increase as a physiological process and then look at the capabilities of the brain from the physiological standpoint and then we will see if there are any overlapping in the two to establish any connection.
Understanding height increase as a physiological process
Height increase is a result of biochemical activities that are initiated by the endocrine system. The anterior pituitary produces a peptide called growth hormone (somatotropin). Growth hormone (GH) stimulates the liver to produce several small peptides called somatomedins or insulin-like growth factors (IGF). The coordinated activities of GH and IGF result in increased cartilage formation, increased bone growth and increased muscle growth.
Understand the capabilities of the human brain from a physiological standpoint
Our thoughts and feelings influence the body via two kinds of mechanisms: the nervous system and the circulatory system. These are the pathways of communication between the brain and the rest of the body.
The brain reaches into the body via the nervous system. This allows it to send nerve impulses into all the body's tissues and influence their behavior. The brain can thus affect the behavior of every part of the body with its nerve endings extending into the bone marrow (the birthplace of all white cells), the thymus, the spleen, and the lymph nodes. It also reaches into all the glands of the endocrine system, all the bones, muscles, all the internal organs, and even the walls of veins and arteries. It can influence the behavior of the heart with its nerves penetrating the heart tissue, affecting heart rate and other aspects of the heart's functioning. The entire body, including the endocrine system, is literally "wired" by the brain. The brain is also a gland. It manufactures thousands of different kinds of chemicals and releases them into the bloodstream. These chemicals circulate throughout the body and influence the activity and behavior of all the body's tissues. The brain could be described as the ultimate apothecary, producing many more drugs than science has ever invented. The cells of the body have receptors on their surfaces that function somewhat like satellite dishes. These receptors receive the chemical messages being released by the brain and respond accordingly.
Finally, the mind/body connection is a two-way street. In addition to sending messages into the body's tissues, it also receives feedback, both in the form of nerve impulses and its own receptors that sense what chemicals are being released by other tissues in the body.
Mind-induced height increase, is it so impossible to believe?
From the physiological standpoint based on the intelligent design of human brain in relation to the body, it is absolutely capable of the brain to be able to dictate cartilage formation, bone growth and muscle growth that would lead to height increase at any time, any age. The brain is the ultimate control center of every activities of the whole body, it has all the communication channels summon the secretion of GH or IGF at any given time.
Before you attemp to hypnotize yourself in pursue of height increase, make sure you are aware and convinced in your own head that there is nothing prevents your brain to tell your body to grow taller. It is yourself who must believe that your brain has every power to do so, and with the help of hypnosis you can unlock the true power of mind-body connection to grow taller.
Grow Taller with Hypnosis Success Stories
By far the most famous account of height increase from hypnosis was documented by the renounced hypnotherapist Dr. Milton H. Erickson.
His account of an amazing growth story can be found in this extract from his book Ericksonian Approaches:

In 1960 he [Erickson] told about a 20-year-old man who grew 12 inches in height in the span of one year. In hypnosis, at the start of therapy, this stunted young man looked out on his world as though unwilling to grow, a modern-day Peter Pan.
For example, he described the room as though he were standing beneath a table. Similarly, a cow on his farm was visualized as though it were ten feet tall; his eyes were on a level with the cow's udder. Growth began to take place when Erickson encouraged the man to hallucinate his world as though he were standing part way up a staircase.

When asked by a colleague hypnotist, "Why have you kept this report out of the literature?"
Erickson smiled and said, "No respectable editor of a scientific journal would publish such an impossible thing."
"Dr. Erickson," the colleague answered, "You are the editor of a respectable journal."
He smiled again and said, "I would like to keep my job."
Hypnosis Step #1 - Relaxation
The first step of hypnosis is to enter a state of complete relaxation, which includes the mind and body. One thing you need to remember is that you cannot force to relax the mind. If you are physically relaxed, your mind will follow as well. The time it takes varies for different individuals and different situations, it can be a few seconds to half an hour.
• Place: Find a quiet room where you are undisturbed.
Position: All parts of your body must be comfortably supported. Find a bed, a couch, or a recliner.
Clothing: Wear loose clothing.
Breathing: Controlled breathing can slow down your heart rate and make you feel more peaceful and calm. Take a few minutes to regulate your breathing at the beginning of hypnosis session. Lie on your back and get comfortable.
• Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Without trying to change your breathing, notice which hand is rising and falling with each breath. If your belly rises as you breathe in, you are breathing from your diaphragm. If not, you are breathing from your chest.
• Shift your breathing from chest to diaphragm. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose into your abdomen to push up your hand as much as it feels comfortable. Smile slightly, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Make a soft sound like the wind as you exhale. It should sound like "whoosh."
• Continue taking slow deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale...whoosh. Inhale. Exhale...whoosh. Think of each whoosh as a sigh of relief.
Muscle Relaxation: Pioneered by physiologist and psychologist Edmund Jacobson, the Jacobson Progressive Relaxation Technique is an effective way to relax the body and the mind. Jacobson believed that if people could learn to relax their muscles through a precise method, mental relaxation would follow. Jacobson's technique involves tensing and relaxing various voluntary muscle groups throughout the body in an orderly sequence (foot, lower legs, upper legs, hip, abdomen, etc.). Progressive relaxation works because of the relationship between your muscle tension and your emotional tension. When your mind is tensed, you automatically tighten up your muscles. Progressive relaxation is perhaps the most reliable and effective procedure of all the different means of achieving relaxation.
Lie or sit in a comfortable position.
Tighten and release tension of various parts of your body.
Focus on one body part at a time.
Get in touch with your breathing.
Breathe-out, breathe-in. I
magine that as each body part is relaxed, all tension is gone.

Proceed to tighten and release tension of each muscle group in the following order:
• Tighten your toes. Release.
• Tighten your knees. Release.
• Tighten your right leg. Release.
• You should feel your whole leg relaxing and settling into the bed.
• Tighten your left leg. Release.
• Tighten your buttocks. Release.
• Press your lower back against the bed. Release.
• Tighten your stomach. Release.
• Tighten your rib cage. Release.
• Feel the tension gone in your lower body.
• Push your shoulders back. Release.
• Pull your shoulders forward. Release.
• Now work on your arms. Make a fist with one hand. Release.
• Tighten that upper arm. Release.
• Tighten that whole arm. Release.
• Make a fist with the other hand. Release.
• Tighten that upper arm. Release.
• Tighten that whole arm. Release.
• Now let's work on your face and head. Clench your jaw. Release.
• Open your mouth wide. Release.
• Grimace. Release.
• Scrunch up your whole face. Release.
• Eyes closed. Release.
• Eyes wide. Release.
• Now feel all the tension gone from everywhere in your whole body. Keep breathing. Breathe-out. Breathe-in. Feel completely relaxed.
Note: some people would pre-record these instructions with a voice-recorder and listen to them during hypnosis session.
You are now ready to move on to the next hypnosis step, Deepening.
Hypnosis Step #2 - Deepening
After your mind and body are fully relaxed, you will now deepen your current state of relaxation toward hypnotic state. This is a very crucial step, because at some time between the relaxation and the deepening procedures you will move into a full hypnotic state or what some people call a trance.
One of the most popular deepening techniques is the countdown technique. You may have seen this on TV when someone uses a swinging pocket watch. Countdown is the same concept. To use the countdown technique you simply start counting downward from, say, 10 (or 100 or whatever). Adjust the countdown number to whatever feels right to you after you have practiced a few times. Imagine that you are drifting deeper with each count.
Other images and thoughts will probably intrude themselves as you count. That is natural. Just gently brush them aside, continuing with your counting.
Like I said you will move into hypnotic state during this deepening process and you probably won't know it, especially as a beginner, but it will happen sooner or later. One of the first hurdles a beginner must get over is the compulsion to "watch for it." That is, you will keep waiting for hypnosis to happen, for some change in your awareness or the way you feel that will say to you, "You're hypnotized." after you have been practicing regularly for a few weeks or a month or two, you'll be much more familiar with yourself and how it feels to be hypnotized.
Hypnosis Step #3 - Suggestion
Once you have reached the end of your deepening procedure you are ready to apply suggestions. What you have done during the relaxation and deepening procedures is increase your suggestibility. That is, you have opened up your subconscious mind at least a little bit to receive your suggestions. This works because of the particular, and peculiar, characteristics of the subconscious part of your mind.
The most common and easiest way to apply suggestions is to have them worked out ahead of time, properly prepared and worded, and memorized. It should not be too difficult to remember them because they should be rather short and you are the one who composed them. If you have them ready and remembered, you can simply think your way through them at this point.
Dialogue, or more properly monologue, is also okay. You just talk ("think" to keep your effort to a Don't say "you." You are thinking to yourself, so use the first person personal pronoun "I." Some suggestions can be succinctly stated in a somewhat more formal sort of way, like, "I can feel my legs are stretching longer" Elaborated suggestions are generally wordier and more of an ad lib: "I can feel the growth hormones flowing in my vein reaching every bones and cartilages, they are growing longer. . ." and so on.
Generally speaking, the most effective kind of suggestion is image suggestion. Image suggestions usually do not use language at all. You just visualize the a mental picture of your legs stretching longer literally in your brain.
Although people sometimes see immediate results from their suggestions, it is more likely to take a little time for them to kick in. So don't be impatient. On the other hand, if you have not begun to see some results within, say, a couple of weeks, you need to change your suggestions.
Hypnosis Step #4 - Termination
You should formally identify the end of every hypnotic session. By doing this you provide a clear demarcation between the hypnotic state and your ordinary conscious awareness. A clear termination also prevents your self-hypnosis practice session from turning into a nap. If you want to take a nap, take a nap. But don't do it in a way that sleeping becomes associated with self-hypnosis practice.
If you are practicing at bedtime and don't care if you go on to sleep, that is okay. But still draw the line in your mind to indicate the end of your self-hypnosis session.
To terminate the session, think to yourself that you are going to be fully awake and alert after you count up to, say, three.
"One, I'm beginning to come out of it, moving toward a waking state. Two, I'm becoming more alert, getting ready to wake up. Three, I'm completely awake." Something like that.

Just telling you only, i also increased 9 inches in 12 months at age of 18 !!!! So if u also want to look tall and attractive, get moving right away dude...


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Do you have an e mail?

Unknown said...

Can you please elaborate on what you did to gain the 9 inches in 12 months? Does diet and exercise affect hypnosis? I'm a 21 male 5'6 200 lbs. i am currently listening to isochronic/binaural beats and hypnosis back to back daily on youtube. In which month did you grow the most? I would appreciate a response. Thanks!

Unknown said...

you can also use shoe inserts for height

TheLast_Saiyan said...

My man, I'm going to follow similar hypnotic method to add 5 inches to my height well in my 20s. R u still active on this thread at all? Would love to chat.

Unknown said...

Can you suggest the same practice for female at the age of 26

1234 said...

I want to increase atleast 6 inches to my height . I am 12 year old and i am only 59 inches. I am female . I really want to increase. will it work ?

1234 said...

I want to increase atleast 6 inches to my height . I am 12 year old and i am only 59 inches. I am female . I really want to increase. will it work ?

Unknown said...

Very useful post. Get taller safe and naturally with height gain natural remedies.

Unknown said...


Mindvalley said...

Thanks for sharing such great information. It really helpful to me.

Amarantha Garcia said...

Can I send you an email?

Anonymous said...

Lol I thought it is actually removed

Unknown said...

I dont understand this

Growth began to take place when Erickson encouraged the man to hallucinate his world as though he were standing part way up a staircase.

Unknown said...

Best post I have ever seen about height increase after puberty.. 😊

Aman Ovhal said...

Means growth begin to take place when Erikson encourage the to imagine his world as though he were standing part up a staircase in hypnosis.

Unknown said...

Really will this help? Plzz say yesssss

Unknown said...

Just someone sayy this is not fake

Unknown said...

If this is true than god will fill your life with joy and happiness